Slow-worms (Anguis fragilis) are actually legless lizards and not snakes! They can reach around 45cm and unlike snakes, they have eyelids. Sometimes other reptiles can be mistaken for snakes and so if you find a long visitor sneaking around your garden, perhaps they are actually a slow-worm. If you find a shed snake skin, you may be able to work out which species of snake they are by looking carefully at the scale patterns! Is it a snake or a slow-worm? The shed skin of a snake is known as a 'slough'.
They're typically a greyish brown in colour, have a dark stripe down the side of their face, a heart-shaped pattern on their head and a pattern of spots and bars along their back! How to identify a snake from their shed skin

They're the smallest species, growing to only around 55cm in length. The smooth snake is the least widespread, localised to the south of England and found in heath habitats. If you're lucky, this species might visit your garden (look out for soft leathery eggs in your compost heap!).

They have a distinct collar behind their heads and are also the only native snake species to lay eggs. Grass snakes, in comparison, are usually an olive green colour, with large eyes and round pupils and can be over a meter long. They're the only venomous species of snake in the UK! The adder has a distinctive zig-zag pattern down his/her back, with red eyes and a vertical pupil, and can grow to around 70cm.

In the UK, we're lucky enough to have three native species of snakes - the adder, the grass snake (pictured) and the smooth snake.